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Problem Updating Gemini Project Attributes


I have Gemini 2.0 on my web server.

I have found that I can create custom attributes for each project, by going to the ~/project/Attributes.aspx page for my project.  On this page, it lists all of the custom Attributes I have created for the project.  I am able to create new attributes by clicking on the “Create Attribute” link.

When I click on the “Edit” link for one of the attributes, I am taken to the ~/project/Attribute.aspx?m=1&id=15 page.  I can edit the Attribute Name and Attribute Value.  However, when I click the “Update” button at the bottom of the page, the word “Required” always appears in red just above the Attribute Name field.  This appears to be the same place it would appear if I had created a new attribute, but forgot to select a project to assign it to.  However, when I am editing an attribute, there is no Project list for me to choose from.

Is there any way for me to correct this?  As of now, I have to delete and recreate the attribute any time I wish to edit it.

Thank you.

-Steve Wesorick

· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

Hi Steve,

This was a bug in 2.0 and been fixed. Please upgrade to 2.0.2

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thank you for the quick reply.  I will upgrade to this right away.  Is there any way to get these attributes to appear in a project list?  Either the main Gemini Home Page, (~/main.aspx) or the Maintain Projects page (~/EditProject.aspx)?  I can see them when I am viewing the home page for each individual project (~/project/Project.aspx).


· 1
not helpful

Please raise an issue.

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola