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Integrate Gemini into Call Log / Call Tracking application


Our developers/QA team has used Gemini for almost 4 years now.  Our company is looking for a "all in one" solution or a solution that can integrate our customer support department with our gemini application.

Are there any recommended products or solutions?

· 1
Replies (3)
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Why not use Gemini for your customer suppot department?
What is it exactly that they need to do?

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
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Our current call log (access database) keeps track of customer locations, multiple customer names, contact info, software modules in use, call logs, hardware info, etc.

We are also looking to upgrade to advanced features of call log reporting, emailing reminders, auto_email creation of support tickets, etc that some applications have.

We did install a "test instance" of gemini, trying to create these custom fields and adapt it to our needs, however it was not user friendly for the support team.

· 1
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Please send an email to sales at countersoft dot com. We will arrange a remote session to talk about this and demo how Gemini can help.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing