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GitHub/Gemini integration not working


I want my GitHub checkin comments to post to my gemini installation. I have setup my github repositories to post to my github repository through the admin/hooks page.


This address is accessible from the internet and can get to it and login. I have Gemini version 5.1.2 installed and I am using windows auth instead of forms auth.

I have tried a few strategies for setting the web config with the api key. I tried generating a GUID below.

And I have tried using my own api key associated with my user.

When I commit a change to the repository, I prefix my checkin comment with "gem:192" where 192 is the number of the item I am testing with. The commit is successful and posts to GitHub and I can see the comment but the item doesn't show the comment in Gemini.

What am I missing? Is there a place I can look for errors? The event log on the machine shows nothing.


· 50
Replies (9)
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Please install 5.1.3 and it should work for you.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I upgraded to 5.1.3 and the comments are still not posting correctly to my Gemini installation from GitHub. I ran NetMon and recieved this error which confirms that GitHub is trying to post to my Gemini instance but for some reason the post is being rejected.

Looking at the error I believe it to be a credentials issue.

Is there any IIS setting or specfic user I should use so comments post succesfully?

Is it a windows Auth issue? The active directory users can login in fine.

Is there some setting besides the API Key and Url that I am missing in GitHub?

HTTPPayloadLine: {"pusher":{"name":"farahcp","email":"christopher.farah@mercent.com"},"repository":{"name":"Gemini","size":128,"createdat":"2012-11-26T18:43:22-08:00","haswiki":true,"watchers":0,"private":true,"fork":false,"url":"https://github.com/mercent/

Frame: Number = 2250, Captured Frame Length = 272, MediaType = ETHERNET + Ethernet: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[64-00-F1-27-FB-3B],SourceAddress:[00-1A-A0-B0-F9-0C] - Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 4701, Total IP Length = 258 + Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 + DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 TotalLength: 258 (0x102) Identification: 4701 (0x125D) + FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: - Tcp: Flags=...AP..F, SrcPort=HTTP(80), DstPort=59818, PayloadLen=206, Seq=1817456309 - 1817456516, Ack=2141512434, Win=256 (scale factor 0x8) = 65536 SrcPort: HTTP(80) DstPort: 59818 SequenceNumber: 1817456309 (0x6C542EB5) AcknowledgementNumber: 2141512434 (0x7FA4E2F2) - DataOffset: 128 (0x80) DataOffset: (1000....) 32 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant + Flags: ...AP..F Window: 256 (scale factor 0x8) = 65536 Checksum: 0xC8B5, Disregarded UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) - TCPOptions: + NoOption: + NoOption: + TimeStamp: TCPPayload: SourcePort = 80, DestinationPort = 59818 - Http: Response, HTTP/1.1, Status: Unauthorized, URL: /Gemini/api/github/commit Using Multiple Authetication Methods, see frame details ProtocolVersion: HTTP/1.1 StatusCode: 401, Unauthorized Reason: Unauthorized - WWWAuthenticate: Negotiate + Authenticate: Negotiate - WWWAuthenticate: NTLM + Authenticate: NTLM XPoweredBy: ASP.NET X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 03:30:36 GMT Connection: close ContentLength: 0 HeaderEnd: CRLF

· 50
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Are you using windows authentication in Gemini?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Yes I am using Windows Authentication in Gemini

· 50
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Ok, that is the issue as GitHub cannot get into Gemini because of it. You will need to create a 2nd site in Forms authentication mode that is pointing to the same database and point GitHub to it.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Thanks I will give that a try.

· 50
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Ok so I have setup a separate Gemini web application that points to the same database and uses forms authentication. NetMon is showing me the hook is firing from GitHub and hitting my gemini web application that uses forms authentication. Gemini is responding with a http status of 200 which says to me authentication is not an issue anymore.

The comment associate with the checkin is not showing up in the gemini item though. Am I missing some sort of configuration setting.

I have set the API key in the web.config file and it matches the key on GitHub.

I am prefixing my checkin with GEM:ticket number which I believe is what I have to do.

start of the payload being posted from GitHub is this

{"pusher": { "name":"farahcp" ,"email":"christopher.farah@mercent.com" }, "repository": {"name":"Gemini" ,"haswiki":true ,"size":268 ,"createdat":"2012-11-26T18:43:22-08:00" ,"private":true ,"watchers":0 ,"fork":false ,"url":"https://github.com/mercent/

Any advice would be helpful.


· 50
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Did you enable to code review section in the screens? That's where the comments and files will be listed.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

I enabled the code review section and the checkins are now showing up. This is explained in the http://community.geminiplatform.com/docs/all/page/333/using-saucery-for-code-review/ section in your documentation. I probably should have looked there first.

thanks for you help. GitHub appears to be integrated with my Gemini site now.

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