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planner: exceptions when adding/editing/moving items


After upgrading our internal Gemini instance from 4.2.1 to, an "Gemini App Error" mail is sent after every edit of an item within planner. Updating items wortks correctly, but planner does not reflect the change immediately, only after pager refresh. Adding/moving items within planner does not work at all.

The planner's axis are grouped by "Ressource", then by "Start Date" at that time. In the user's preferences, date format is German (but chaning to English does not help either) and langugae is English.

May these errors come from problems concerning custom data fields? Or may they be related to localization?

These are examples for exceptions in the error mails (partially different exceptions may come from the same action at different times):

After editing an item (right click, "Edit" and then "Save"):

        Unhandled exception: Error getting value from 'Axis2Key' on 'Countersoft.Gemini.Commons.Entity.PlannerCellInfo'.. Stack trace:    at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DynamicValueProvider.GetValue(Object target)
           at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalWriter.SerializeObject(JsonWriter writer, Object value, JsonObjectContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract collectionContract, JsonProperty containerProperty)
           at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalWriter.SerializeValue(JsonWriter writer, Object value, JsonContract valueContract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerProperty)


After trying to add a new item from within the planner ("New…"-Link from rightclicking a resource, no item is created):

Unhandled exception: Specified cast is not valid.. Stack trace: at Countersoft.Gemini.Infrastructure.Managers.PlannerManager.UpdateEntityProperty(Issue issue, LabelIndex label) at Countersoft.Gemini.Infrastructure.Managers.PlannerManager.SetIssueProperty(Issue issue, Int32 cellId, Int32 dropIndex) at Countersoft.Gemini.Infrastructure.Managers.PlannerManager.CreateIssue(Int32 cell, Int32 viewId, String title, Int32 projectId, Int32 dropIndex) ...

After dragging an item to another day:

        Unhandled exception: Specified cast is not valid.. Stack trace:    at Countersoft.Gemini.Infrastructure.Managers.PlannerManager.DeleteEntityProperty(IssueDto issue, LabelIndex label, Boolean clear)
           at Countersoft.Gemini.Infrastructure.Managers.PlannerManager.RemoveIssueProperty(IssueDto issue, Int32 cellId)
           at Countersoft.Gemini.Infrastructure.Managers.PlannerManager.MakeTheChanges(Int32 cardId, Int32 oldCellId, Int32 newCellId, Int32 dropIndex)

at Countersoft.Gemini.Infrastructure.Managers.PlannerManager.Resequence(Int32 issueId, Int32 oldCellId, Int32 newCellId, Int32 index, Int32 viewId) ...

· 50
Replies (2)
not helpful

Is it possible to send us your database?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

OK, I will send an email.

· 50