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Change default alert e-mail templates


We've recently migrated from Gemini 4.2.1 to Gemini 5.1.1. With the migration, the e-mail templates for alerts have changed significally. Is there a set of templates for Gemini 5 that look at least similar to the Gemini 4 templates? Are the alert templates documented anywhere?

Michael Poettgen
· 1
Michael Poettgen
Replies (6)
not helpful

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

The alerts functionality in Gemini has changed to batch notifications (except for watchers / followers). We now use the navigation cards to subscibe to alerts. Have you seen the alerts shipped with Geemini?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Is the template syntax Razor or something else?

Unfortunately only the Data Model Values for Breeze Notifications have been documented. Are the other alert types documented somewhere else? At least Breeze Notifications do not seem to have the same level of detail as the old notifications had.

People use e-mail notifications to quickly judqe whether they need to go to Gemini to look into an issue more thoroughly. This might be difficult to achieve through AppNav Cards, unless they go to Gemini first.

Michael Poettgen
· 1
Michael Poettgen
not helpful

What would you like the alert to include?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Basically everything that was on the old notifications. It should show a quick capture of all the changes that have been made to each issue (status/progress changes, reallocated resources, latest comments, etc.).

Michael Poettgen
· 1
Michael Poettgen
not helpful

Changes made cannot be shown at the moment. That will come in December. You can show current values like:


Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing