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Issues not marked as revised after changing sub issues


I am writing a c# plugin which periodically checks to see which issues have been updated. This is done by creating an issue filter, setting the RevisedAfter member and calling GetFilteredIssues() with the filter. This is all working well.

The problem I have come across is with sub-issues. I have an issue which is a sub-issue of a parent issue. I delete the issue as a sub-issue of the original parent and make the issue a sub-issue of another parent.

I had expected the 2 parent issues and the child issue to be marked as changed - and therefore appear in my filter. It appears that no issues are marked as changed.

Is this by design or is it a bug? Is there a way I can catch this change?



· 1
Replies (7)
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This is by design for performance reasons. You can simply update both parents (eg get and update) to set the revised date.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I am not sure this solves my problem.

The situation I need to handle is when a user moves sub-issues in Gemini. I need to know that the sub-issues have changed so I can reflect these changes in the tool I am integrating with.

· 1
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Got you. Don't think there is an easy way to do this. I presume you store the Gemini issue ids so you could check if the parent is the same.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Yes. When I do a forced synchronize which checks every issue it works fine.

The problem is that the plugin is designed to update almost real-time - so we cannot afford to check every issue all the time. Hence we only check the updated issues - but we can check this every 30 seconds.

Our internal system has over 10,000 issues so it takes quite some time to process all the issues - and I imagine some of our customers have many more issues. So the force synchronize is a last resort if the 2 systems get out of sync.

I don't think this is the biggest deal in the world - because I imagine that users will not generally be moving sub-issues between parent issues very often.

Would you consider a solution to this problem in a future release?

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Sure, feel free to add it to our list:
I presume the easiest solution for you is setting the revised date, correct?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Thanks I will add it today.

Yes, the easiest solution from my point of view is if the child issue revised date is updated when it is moved to a different parent issue.

But if it makes more sense for you guys then I can easily code around it if you want to update the parent issue revised date instead of the child.

· 1
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We will probably update both parent and child revised.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen