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Can Components be common among projects


Example , I have multiple functional apps like , New Business Sales, Customer Service Billing , both use a common component for payment gateway. I want to create and assign task to the common component from within the Sales OR the Service project but dont want to duplicate the component if I can avoid it . Thoughts ??

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Replies (3)
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Not possible at the moment. We do have it on our roadmap: for next year.

The only thing you can do at the moment is create a project for the gateway component(s).

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Tks for the reply . How can I track this request so that I will know when this makes it into the product (I'd love to read the release notes of every release but just dont get to it)

PS, great product we run all the IT dept including the helpdesk on this.

· 1
not helpful

You have to options:

1. Add yourself as a watcher to that issue, this way you will get notified when it is done.
2. Create an issue in your project with the gateway issue as sub issue, this issue will not be allowed to close until the sub issue is done.

Many thanks for the good feedback.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing