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Controlling assignment and resolution on an issue


I'm used to working with JIRA where you can control the assignment and resolution on an issue very strict in the workflow. I'm missing this in Gemini, can it be done?

If you look at your demo database, you have a status called "Assigned" and another status called "Unassigned". Since the status "Assigned" has "Yes" in the "Assigned Status?" option, i would expect Gemini to require, that there should be at least one ressource assigned to the issue when the issue has this status. On the other hand, since "Unassigned" has not set this option, i would expect Gemini to clear the assignees from the issue when status is changed to "Unassigned".

This is clearly not the way Gemini handles this, since I can create issues with and without assigneed, no matter what option the "Assigned Status?" has for a given status. What is the idea with this option field?

In your demo database you have a status called "Closed". This status has "Yes" in the "Final Status?" option. I would exptect, that Gemini required a resolution to an issue if the status was a final status. Can this be done?

In JIRA the combination of status, assignment and resolution is easily handled on the workflow screens, i miss this in Gemini.

Summa summarum: right now i can create issues that has the status "Assigned" without any assignees, that has a status "Unassigned" with several assignees and that has a status "In Progress" with a resolution "Won't Fix" :-). Is there a way to make sure that the assignees and the resolution follows some rules?

· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

I see your point and will take these suggestions on board.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thank you very much.

When discussing this might I suggest that you also evaluate if you should make a "workflow transition screen" as part of this (instead of doing this directly on the issue screen).

By having this as a separate screen the user would be able to:

  • change issue status
  • change issue resolution
  • add a comment

In one step.

· 1
not helpful

Noted and under active discussion with regard to actual implementation.

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola