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Scheduler email templates customization



We are using Scheduler v. 1.7.2 for sending email alerts. I'd like to update email templates by adding user name that did modification.

For this I added following code to email template C:\Program Files\CounterSoft\Gemini Scheduler Service\MailTemplates\html\IssueDetail.en-GB

<!-- Updated by:-->
       <td valign=top align="right"><b>Updated by:</b></td>
      <td valign=top><%=GeminiHelper.GetUser (GeminiHelper.GetStringASInt(Data.UserID)).Fullname%></td>



But following error occurred as result in application log:

CounterSoft.Gemini.Commons - Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - at CounterSoft.Gemini.Commons.TemplateMaschine.Template.Generate(Object[] args, String outputFile, Boolean outputToString)

at CounterSoft.Gemini.Scheduler.EmailAlertsProcess.MakeAlertMessage(IssueEN issue, IssueCommentEN lastComment, ArrayList changeLog, IssueAlertEN alert, IssueWatcherEN recipient, String language)

What is wrong in my code?



· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

Use "Data.Helper" (which is GeminiHelper).

    public class EmailAlertTemplateArguments
        public GeminiHelper Helper;
        public string GeminiVersion;
        public string GeminiURL;
        public string IssueID;
        public string ProjectID;
        public string UserID;
        public string EmailAddress;
        public IssueEN Issue;
        public IssueEN PreviousIssue;
        public IssueCommentEN LastComment;
        public ArrayList ChangeLog;

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola
not helpful

This still will not provide the user name of who modified the issue will it?  If I look at the GeminiHelper class, there is no "GetUser()" method.  I would like to add the user who modified the issue to the change log.

Is this even possible?

I'm using Scheduler version 3.6.

· 1
not helpful

The scheduler can span multiple edit in which case it can be different editors to the issue. What you can do is get all the updates from the issue history by amending the scheduler code (commercial license holders have access to the source).

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing