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Feature List For 2.1?


Where can I find a list of new features/fixes for Gemini 2.1?

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Replies (3)
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Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Guys, this is unacceptable. When you release software and expect people to shell out the cash to upgrade, you need a formal way of providing the release notes for the new version; not directing everyone to your bug tracking software and expect everyone to muddle through it. There is no way you can expect someone to be able to take this to upper management and expect them to bite. For instance, here is the conversation I had with my boss regarding us purchasing the upgrade:

~David Gottlieb   says:
unfortunately this is all they have as far as a change list goes for the latest version
~David Gottlieb   says:
which i think is crap
Chris says:
alright, well you see my delima.  I have to ask for money for a product upgrade that I can't tell them what it will buy us.  Does that sound like a fun conversation to you?
~David Gottlieb   says:
not really. i mean i guess you could go through and pick the features out of that list. not fun either
Chris says:
I'm looking at that now, but man, it doesn't look that appealing.  the enhancements and new features are damn weak as far as I can tell.  if you want, mail this messenger session to gemini telling them why this is hard to sell to your boss.

You really need to put together a formal document that includes the latest features and a good selling explaination of them. Like he said, it's not appealing at all. Especially for $500+.

· 1
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We are not asking any customer to shell out cash to upgarde!

Where did you see that?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing