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Custom Fields


Custom Fields are at the heart of Gemini and allow you to decide which data is collected when creating or updating Items, Comments, Test Plans, Test Cases and Test Runs.


Each Custom Field can be linked to the Projects that require that field.


Once linked, use Screens under Items or Testing sections to enable the Custom Field.


Use on Items or Tests

You can use a Custom Field on either Items or Tests, or even both. This is because Items and Screens both have their own Screen administration enabling you to select which fields are shown to which users and when.


Supported Types – General

Gemini supports various types of custom fields.


Textbox – allows for user input with maximum length, required or not, and optional regular expression validation.

Rich Textbox – allows for rich text user input with maximum length, required or not, and optional regular expression validation.

Numeric – allows for numeric only user input with minimum/maximum range, maximum length, required or not, and optional regular expression validation.

Checkbox – allows for yes/no user input.

Date – allows for date picker.

Attachment – allows for file attachment.

Version Picker – allows for the selection of a Version from the project.

Component Picker – allows for the selection of a Component from the project.

Version Picker – allows for the selection of a version from the project.

Supported Type – User Picker

A user picker enables the selection of a user as defined in Gemini.  You can limit the choice of potential users to pick from using the Limit option to select only relevant user groups.


Supported Type – Listbox/Dropdown List

For dropdown list custom fields the data that drives them can be typed in or pulled from a SQL Server Database Table.


Selecting the Static option enables Gemini Administrators to maintain the dropdown list contents by typing in the available values.


SQL Driven

Custom Fields can also pull data from a SQL Server database table.


Gemini can also create the SQL table if it does not exist.

Filter By Project

If your SQL driven lookup table has a Project ID field that is maintained by you, you can choose to filter the options displayed to users depending on the currently selected Project.


Moving / Removing Custom Fields

Custom Fields can be merged using the Move feature.


This can be used to help reduce the number of Custom Fields should you have similar or same Custom Fields.

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