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Gemini Community Support Site

This Gemini community support site can be used to find solutions to product issues. You can log in using Open Id, Google Profile and even Facebook. Feel free to ask a question or browse FAQs and documentation. Product tour videos are also available along with how-to videos demonstrating key Gemini capabilities.

Index General Configuration

 10.10.1            Administration
admin              General Configuration
admin              SMTP and Notifications
emails              Projects
admin              Custom Fields
admin              Item Management
admin              Test Management
testing              Licensing
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General Configuration


The following general global settings can be configured as required


Welcome Caption & Welcome Message

The welcome caption and message are displayed on the home page.


These settings can only be changed if you have a valid Commercial License.

Full Gemini URL

This setting should represent the URL that is used to access Gemini.

Administrator Email

The email address of the Gemini Administrator.

Default Theme

Gemini ships with predefined themes that control the color scheme. More can be added and existing themes can be changed.

This setting must match one of the theme folders located within the Gemini web application “App_Themes” folder as follows:


Default Language

Gemini ships localized to over 15 languages. More can be added and existing localized files can be amended.

This setting must match one of the language folders located within the Gemini web application “language” folder as follows:


Installed Themes

All available themes must be “registered” with Gemini into this setting.

Installed Languages

All available languages must be “registered” with Gemini into this setting.