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Manipulate entities from a plugin?



I am looking into what can be done through the plugin API to provide tighter integration with some of our other tools and processes. I have a basic Hello World! plugin working that writes something to the event log when an issue is created or updated.

Now, I am wondering if there is a way to update the issue and/or other entities from the plugin. I couldn't find anything that looks like it could do that in the IssueEventArgs object that is passed in to the plugin... Is there any more documentation about the API other than the little bit that is in the administration guide?

Thanks in advance.


· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

The plugin api is an asnyc one, so if you need to manipulate the issue you will have to use the web services api. We do have this on the roadmap (before and after events): for later this year.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen