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Total Hours (HH:MM) in Time Report


I've never quite understood the logic in this: the Total Hours column in the Time Report displays <sum of hours>:<sum of minutes> instead of "total time formatted as HH:MM".  If I have made five entries of 30 minutes, I expect the report to display 2:30 for total hours.  Instead, I get 0:150 -- which just seems silly. 

I had hoped that upgrading from 1.9.1 would fix this (grin).

Also, I've noticed that when the "minutes" calculation is a single digit, I get HH:M instead of HH:MM -- for example, 12:0 instead of 12:00 for twelve hours.

Thanks for the great product & excellent support!

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Please raise bug report @!

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola