Gemini Community Support Site

This Gemini community support site can be used to find solutions to product issues. You can log in using Open Id, Google Profile and even Facebook. Feel free to ask a question or browse FAQs and documentation. Product tour videos are also available along with how-to videos demonstrating key Gemini capabilities.

Documentation Rewrite


Could I suggest that you rethink the structure of your documentation?

A large part of the PDF document is for an installer/administrator/developer. A smaller portion of it is for a user.

As an Administrator of Gemini, I certainly LIKE the document, but it is not something that I feel comfortable giving to my users or allowing them to view via a "help" link.

I would feel much more comfortable as an Administrator if I had a choice of documents to show my users. Mind you, I am NOT asking that you provide less information, simply that you package it in a slightly different format, as there are several different audiences that you are speaking to. Breaking this PDF into smaller pieces is something that we have already done, so it is a non-issue for us, but I would like to suggest that you do this for the standard release.

Might I suggest:

  • Gemini Installation Guide
  • Gemini Administrator Guide
  • Gemini Users Guide
  • Gemini Developers Guide

If the "Gemini Users Guide" only concerned the entering and editing of issues, then I would feel very comfortable with distributing this to my users and making it the "help" link!

Just a thought, cheers

John Borders
Senior Architect
Midlands Choice

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Hi John,

Many thanks for your suggestions.

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola