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Nasty error when trying to use Version web service


    Hi there.  I have the 2.02 release installed on a machine running IIS6, with WSE 2.0 sp3 and I have added the Versions.asmx as a web reference to a calling web application. 

Web Reference: SproketDevGemini.Versions
URL: http://sproket-dev/Gemini/webservices/VersionsWS.asmx

I am trying to get information about the versions via this web reference, but the second I run this code in my web app:

SproketDevGemini.Versions.VersionsWS versionWS = new SproketDevGemini.Versions.VersionsWS();
SproketDevGemini.Versions.VersionEN myVers = versionWS.GetVersion(this.selectedProjectId, this.selectedReleaseId);

I get the following very nasty error message (ugh):

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.ApplicationException: The message must contain a wsa:To header at CounterSoft.GeminiBiz.WSBiz.VerifyMessageParts(SoapContext context) at Gemini.BaseWS.IsWSECompliant() at Gemini.VersionsWS.GetVersion(Int32 projID, Int32 verID)

I know that the id I pass is valid as I looked in the DB and debugged to make sure the value was populated.  Any thoughts on this?


Chris Smith

· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

I was wondering.  After looking at your WebService examples, it looks like you have generated out the proxy classes yourselves rather than relying on something like VS.NET to create the web references.  Might VS.NET be generating incorrect proxy code?

Just a thought

Chris Smith

· 1
not helpful

This web service relies on WSE2.0 SP3. Therefore you have to set some soap tokens before sending the web request.

Take a look at the sample provided, especially the log in form as this does most of the setup of the necessary tokens.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful


I'll check that out.  Thanks for the know-how.  I'll try it and let you know how it went.



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