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Alternative Windows/TortoiseSVN Client Side Gemini Integration - Simple Install and Docs


Hi all --

I'm the author of the Windows/Tortoise client-side integration posted by Countersoft*. I originally submitted this as a self-installing package with an end-user manual. Understandably, they transformed it into a form that is similar to their other integration packages. Since this is something that gets installed on end-user systems, Windows machines running TortoiseSVN, I thought I would make the current version of my package available.

Assuming you have gotten command line Subversion running with your repositories (particularly for svn+ssh), installing this is a 10 minute process max. It is a self-contained installer that puts everything into place and makes the pre- and post-commit scripts for your system. All you have to do is edit a config file for your Gemini URL, username, password or API key, then set up the hooks in TortoiseSVN Settings. The manual describes in detail how to set up the bugtraq properties on your project roots, etc. A developer who uses Tortoise should be able to figure this out easily.

alt text

The package is attached to this post. Be sure to read the manual! This requires Gemini 3.7 or 4.0!

(see the attachment to this post or use this link) http://download.dc3.com/misc/Gemini-TSVN-3.7.4.exe

For questions feel free to send email to rdenny@dc3.com, but be advised that I often run days behind on my personal email.

Edited 08-Apr-2011 for new Atlas message format, attach package, declare compatible with Gemini 4.0, update reference link to CounterSoft package.

Gemini-TSVN-3.7.4.exe ]
Bob Denny
· 1
Bob Denny
Replies (3)
not helpful

Many thanks Bob, we will be in touch regarding this.
We would also like to demo something new we are cooking up.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Hye Mark!
The link to SVN Download v373 is dead.
Can you please fix this.

· 1
not helpful
··· I corrected the link in the original postBob DennyFriday, April 8, 2011, 10:18:53 PM

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing