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E-mail not working



We recently installed Gemini and everything is working except the E-mail notification.  We did our best to follow the instructions on adding the correct values in the web.config under the MailPlugin.  But each time we attempt to initiate a notification we get an error - Could not access 'CDO.Message' object.  Does anyone have an idea where we are going wrong.



                  <!-- SMTPServer - specify IP number or machine name -->

                  <add key="SMTPServer" value="" />

                  <add key="FromEmailAddress" values="" />

                  <!-- SMTP authentication values: OFF, BASIC, NTLM. -->

                  <add key="SMTPAuthentication" value="NTLM" />

                  <add key="SMTPUserName" value="" />

                  <add key="SMTPPassword" value="**" />


Thanks, Mel

· 1
Replies (4)
not helpful

Use the SMTP tester application that ships with the Gemini download to see if you can narrow down the issue.

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola
not helpful

I did find an error from your previous suggestion – thank you.

We ended up upgrading and re-entering the settings.  What we figured out that the issue was the SMTPServer name; we had entered the address of the server, we also attempted to enter the name of the server, which did not correct the problem - the solution was to enter the outgoing name of the pop server.  There are diggerent names/addresses for out popmail.  We had to change the address to the outgoing address.

The correct setting in this line corrected our issue. <add key="SMTPServer" value="outgoing pop server" />



                  <!-- SMTPServer - specify IP number or machine name -->

                  <add key="SMTPServer" value="outgoing pop server" />

                  <add key="FromEmailAddress" value="user on the pop server" />

                  <!-- SMTP authentication values: OFF, BASIC, NTLM. -->

                  <add key="SMTPAuthentication" value="BASIC" />

                  <add key="SMTPUserName" value="same user on the pop server" />

                  <add key="SMTPPassword" value="the pop server’s user password" />

                  <!-- Global email alert type on/off settings -->

                  <add key="IssueCreateAlert" value="true" />

                  <add key="IssueUpdateAlert" value="true" />

                  <add key="IssueCommentAlert" value="true" />

                  <add key="IssueStatusChangeAlert" value="true" />

                  <add key="IssueResolutionChangeAlert" value="true" />

                  <add key="IssueDeleteAlert" value="true" />

                  <add key="IssueAssignedAlert" value="true" />

                  <add key="IssueClosedAlert" value="true" />

                  <add key="IssueResolvedAlert" value="true" />

                  <add key="IssueWatcherAlert" value="true" />


Thank You,



· 1
not helpful

Hi Mel,

I also have this problem running Windows XP x64 and Windows 2003 x64 using 2.0.

Did you find a resolution?

Kind Regards, Tarek

· 1
not helpful

As mel states, they had different addresses for the POP server.  Is your SMTP setup similar as mel described?

Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola