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Create an Issue with Screen Capture


The existing Screen Capture requires you to enter an existing issue ID to attach the image to.

Most of our users are actually reporting a NEW issue when they do a screen capture. The fact that they have to go into Gemini and create an issue and THEN do the screen capture and attach it to an image is extra, unneccessary work for them.

MUCH BETTER would be the ability for them to select a project, component, version right in the Screen Capture utility and simply click to add a new issue!!!

This would make the collection and reporting of new issues SO much easier.

Just a thought, cheers

John Borders
Senior Architect
Midlands Choice
Omaha, NE

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Yes, this is already on our to do list: http://gemini.countersoft.com/Default.aspx?p=4&i=571

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen