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Buttons, Text, UI issues after install



I have 2.0.2 installed on our server. I wanted to try out 2.1.1 before upgrading so I installed it on the same server with a different DB and wwwroot location.

Everything has been working fine for the past day and the new version looks great. When I came into the office this morning and ran Gemini most of the text on the screen is missing. Text fields are one character wide, Buttons are a few pixels wide. I can login if I click the small button and the mail app looks the same.

All I managed to do yesterday was create an issue, but this looks like something is message up with the themes or something. I haven't played around with other features.

If you have a location, I can upload you a screenshot.

Let me know,



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Replies (2)
not helpful

Did you change the default language in the web.config or Administration section?

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Yes, that's whats causing it. I changed en-GB to en-US and everything disappears. I changed it back to GB and everything re-appears....

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