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Links break when moving issues to new project


I'm having a problem with links breaking when moving issues between projects. For example:


This is a link to item 3611 in our STARS project (42) but when I move it to a different project


The link breaks. Is there any way to configure Gemini to only include the issue ID in the URL so it works no matter where it's moved? Gemini 4 didn't work this way and our process is heavily dependent on linking to these issues from other systems.

Regards Andrew Dorfman

Andrew Dorfman
· 1
Andrew Dorfman
Replies (1)
not helpful

Currently the only way is to send the 0 as project id: http://projectstest.americanoutsources.com/project/BDMS/0/item/3611

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen