Gemini Community Support Site

This Gemini community support site can be used to find solutions to product issues. You can log in using Open Id, Google Profile and even Facebook. Feel free to ask a question or browse FAQs and documentation. Product tour videos are also available along with how-to videos demonstrating key Gemini capabilities.

License Expired!


My Gemini License has expired and I am no longer able to add users. I have submitted several requests for quotes of updated licenses and have received no responses.

I am currently dead in the water.

Is anyone home there?

· 200
Replies (2)
not helpful

We have contacted you, have you not received anything from us?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I don't see anything. We changed domain names a while back and about a year ago totally shutdown the old one. Maybe you were sending to the old domain? I believe there has been some correspondence going to Kyle here - maybe your records show him as a primary contact? (It should be me at the email associated with this forum account - also the same one I sent to support from a few minutes ago.)

· 200