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Can´t run samples or my own app



I have downloaded the file and testing the samples that comes in it.

I try to execute the login example and it throws the following stacktrace:

at Countersoft.Gemini.Api.BaseService.GetResponse[T](IRestRequest request)

at Countersoft.Gemini.Api.BaseService.WhoAmI()

at Test.FormLogin.btnOKClick1(Object sender, EventArgs e) in e:\Samples\FormLogin.cs:line 23

The message that accompanies this stacktrace says: Unknown error, status code: Forbidden

I also tried to update my own app and get the same errors. I have checked our Gemini site web config and it have all references as Countersoft (notice that I haven´t seen any direct reference to the libraries provided in the zip).

I´m using a full right admin account and my gemini site is running correctly. I am running the login example without changes (no windows authentication).

Jack Cáceres
· 50
Jack Cáceres
Replies (3)
not helpful

Are you running behind a firewall or proxy?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

yes, on firewall they have opened port 80 for it. I have also checking the logs and found nothing related to the errors I have.

Jack Cáceres
· 50
Jack Cáceres
not helpful

Nevermind. They have enabled the API support and now it works.

Jack Cáceres
· 50
Jack Cáceres