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Genini 4: custom grid and queries


Hello - we are using Genini 4 (v4.2.1 (build 3250))

We have several projects defined and we are using items for Bug traching and exhancement tracking as well.

on our main project page we display the normal reports and sumamryies (Versions, components etc).

Is there a way to create a item query and cusomized grid that is different from the default ones and make them public for all users to see and use?

we use the fixed In field to hold the sprint value and the Affected Version to have the release container value. I want to be able to provide a query for each sprint and then the release congtainer using a different grid (with different fields included) than the default project query/grid.

do you have a video or how-to document that can help me learn how to do this?

Tony M.

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

You can do this with Gemini 5 but not Gemini 4.


Harvey Kandola
· 212
Harvey Kandola