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Planning board sort problem


When on the planning board I try to sort by Sprint then Resource or Priority not all status colums change. Sometimes when I choose only one sort option it works but if I choose Sprint either ascending or descending do not appear to work. Is there some setting somewhere to turn this on and off?

H. Ray Long
· 108
H. Ray Long
Replies (3)
not helpful

The cell sort will not change if you moved cards into the cell as the order of the cards is static. eg. You can order the cards in the cell and it will remain in that order.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

I would prefer to be able to sort the columns multiple ways. Can this be something you consider changing in a future version? I understand some people may want to order the cards in a specific manner. I would prefer a layout like the items list that has the static area you can specify a sort order and an area that will sort any way you want.

H. Ray Long
· 108
H. Ray Long
not helpful

Feel free to add it to our list: http://gemini.countersoft.com

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen