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Import from Bugzilla, MYSQL Error Unknown column 'id' in 'field list'


Hi there,

I am testing Gemini as a replacement to our current bug tracking software (Bugzilla). I am trying to import data from the Bugzilla Database, but I receive the error above.

I'm able to troubleshoot most MySQL errors, but in this case I don't know what table is throwing the error. I did however notice that there are no entires appearing in the Issue container.

· 1
Replies (2)
not helpful

This seem to come from either one of the look ups (bugseverity, bugstatues etc..) or custom fields (fielddefs). Can you please verify?
Which version of bugzilla are you running?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Hi Mark,

Thank you for the help, I've looked into this a bit further, the database in question is a 2.17.3 database that has had the 3.3.4 upgrade script ran against it, however it failed (still trying to work out where it failed as I have inherited this system).

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