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Gemini 5 base url for css



I previously asked a question for Gemini 4 ( but the same issue arises for my upgrade to Gemini 5 : my css urls in page head section show IP address of server, not it's dns. How can I set up this right ?

I see that only the "YES/NO" AlwaysUseFullGeminiURL field in gemini_applicationsettings table remains, the field for base url value isn't there anymore.

Thanks for your help. I tried both options and an app pool recycling but url didn't change.

··· In lan the css is loaded, but some links are using ip addresse of the server, not the dns name. ex. customize link is on ip address. Also if the "AlwaysUseFullGeminiURL" is positionned on "YES"XarkamFriday, September 7, 2012, 11:39:57 AM
Barbara Post
· 50
Barbara Post
Replies (3)
not helpful

Can you please expand on your DNS setup?

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Actually, i'm using a dyndns and the apache proxy redirect /gemini request on a virtual machine. The virtual machine have not dns configuration.

I just need a "AlwaysUseFullGeminiURL" option in Gemini 5.

· 1
not helpful

We found out that our Apache configuration was wrong. Once we set up "ProxyPreserveHost" to "on", everything displays OK.

Barbara Post
· 50
Barbara Post