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Alternative way to migrate from 4.2.1 to 5


Hi, I dont like to upgrade/update software (OS, DevTool, Domain, ect) when there is a jump of major version (ex. from 4 to 5) because I have often had problems that took a long time to be settled.

I prefer to install the software from scratch and then import data previously exported from the previous version.

It is possible to have a guideline for doing that with Gemini ?

Best regards

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Firstly install a fresh copy of Gemini version 5 using the Gemini 5 installer. Then backup your Gemini 4 database and restore the backed up database in your SQL server as a new one. Once this is done please run the upgrade scripts from 4.2 to 5. see: other steps that have to be completed.

This method will allow you to keep your previous Gemini 4 instance while you are testing the new Gemini 5 instance with your current database.

· 1762