Gemini Community Support Site

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Gemini 5.0 Upgrade Issue

  • I understand that this is beta, so no worries if this isn't answered. *

I recently downloaded Gemini 5.0, made a copy of my production 4.2.0 instance, and upgraded. The update went smoothly, but when I log in, it shows 0 projects. When i got into Configure, I can see the projects there. Any ideas?

· 1
Replies (1)
not helpful

Firstly go to Configure --> People --> Permissions and edit the permission "Can view Projects" to allow the group that you are in to view all projects.

Once that is done please go Templates and configure your Screens so that you are able to view, create and edit different attributes within the projects.

We will be refreshing the download links later on today.

· 1762