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Querying a separate database for lists.


Two questions: Is it possible to query a table in another Gemini database to populate a list? We have two Gemini websites and would prefer not to maintain the same list in two places.

If, while creating a custom field, we select "Create Table in SQL". Where is the table, data?

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Replies (4)
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Create a view in each database for the custom fields. The view will over the table in the share database.

The table will be located in your SQL database for that Gemini site.

· 1762
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I don't understand your response. See the attachments. How would I fill in the necessary fields? How would I connect the two? Please be more specific.

I know the table will be located in the database. I looked there and couldn't find it. I wanted to know specifically where we could find it. One of the attachments, Dummy Field.jpg, is a screenshot of a dummy field I created. Where specifically would I find the corresponding information in the database?

Unfortunately I was under the impression that I could attach a file. How can I do that?

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Please go to the following link: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlexpress/thread/ea0dc48c-1edf-4370-8e32-70404f98b0e0 This link shows you how to fetch data from a remote server.

To find a certain table please run the query: select * from and then name the table.

If you wish to send any screenshots please send them to support at countersoft dot com

· 1762
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We know how to fetch data from a remote server. We 1) don't know how to do it using the Gemini forms; 2) don't know SPECIFICALLY where to find a lookup we create from the Gemini form. We can't query a specific table if we don't know what the table is. We're asking you to tell us where the table is.

I am going to send screenshots to countersoft dot com.

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