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Importing to existing project with CSV file


Hi, I am trying to import roughly 3000 issues into an existing project using the Data Import tool. I load in the CSV file, which takes about 2 minutes to parse into the DataTable. I then check the "Import into existing project". A spinner pops up for a few seconds but no dialog shows up to map my entities to an existing project. Clicking on "Import" results in nothing being imported then.

Any help?

· 1
Replies (3)
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Can you please run DebugView ( when doing this? Let us know the errors please.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

[760] CounterSoft.Gemini.DataImport 3.7.1 Build 2732: Populate mapping to existing project :- . Column 'IssueNumber' does not belong to table . :: System.Data :: at System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColumn(String columnName) [760] at System.Data.DataRow.getItem(String columnName) [760] at CounterSoft.Gemini.DataImport.BLL.CSV.CSVExporter.RemoveDuplicateRows(DataTable dTable, String colName) [760] at CounterSoft.Gemini.DataImport.BLL.CSV.CSVCustomFieldExporter.Prepare(Object key) [760] at CounterSoft.Gemini.DataImport.Presenter.DataImportPresenter.GetCustomFields() [760] at CounterSoft.Gemini.DataImport.Presenter.DataImportPresenter.MapppExistingItem() [760] at CounterSoft.Gemini.DataImport.Forms.DataImportForm.chkInsertExistingCheckedChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)

This was the error it spit out. Looks like the column name in the CSV should be "IssueNumber" and not "Issue Number". The sample CSV file has "Issue Number" and so does the documentation. I tried changing my CSV to "IssueNumber" and I now get the entity mapping prompt. It failed further after that, so I am now just using the web service API to add batch issues.


· 1
not helpful

Thanks, we have logged the issue:

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing