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How to setup permissions?


Hi, version of gemini 4.2.1

I make few Global Groups - Clients, Developers, Everyone, Everyone (Authenticated),Gemini Administrators, Project Managers.

I have 20 persone - 15 of them are developers. 4 are Project Managers and 1 client.

All users (19) except 1 client members of groups: Developers, Everyone, Everyone (Authenticated). 4 users in groups: Developers, Everyone, Everyone (Authenticated), Gemini Administrators, Project Managers.

In all of permissions consist group Gemini Administrators, Project Managers.

But users with this group can change status in a items. What to do to change it?

Also how I can delete Global Groups?

Vladi Ermakoff
· 1
Vladi Ermakoff
Replies (1)
not helpful

When you edit an Item (edit link top right when viewing an item), do you see the status field? If you do, is the field disabled or does it only contain one option? If you do not see the field please make sure it is visible in the Screen (Administration -> Screens) that the type is using (Administration -> Types)

· 1762