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how to sort and deal with long list of previous releases?


Our company releases new versions (including patch releases that contain only a hanful of work items) of our SaaS app about every week or two. After 18 months using Gemini, our list of past releases is getting out of control: there are over 50 items in the release dropdown box. Every time we want to create or assign a work item, we have to scroll several times to get to the current release.

Furthermore, the list seems to always be sorted by creation date of the release, which makes newly-created patches to old releases show up after the release we're currently working on.

Is there a better way to manage a long list of previous releases? For example, can Gemini hide old releases by default, or offer a hierarchical dropdown list or other UI which allows us to hide old releases in dropdowns but still show them in the (rare) cases where we need to look at work items from old releases?

Also, is there a way we can sort releases in the dropdown, other than by creation date of the release?

Justin Grant
· 1
Justin Grant
Replies (2)
not helpful

You should archive old releases, that way they will not be displayed. You can also re-order the releases usign drag & drop when in the versions page.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

The drag-n-drop sort was not discoverable (and the implementation is awkward because, unlike most drag and drop UI's, you can't see an outline of the item you're dragging) but now that I know it's there I was able to fix the ordering easily. Thanks for the tip!

BTW, it'd be nice if the drag and drop feature were documented in the Help page about versions (http://community.geminiplatform.com/docs/all/page/97/versions/).

··· Thanks, docs will be updated when we release Gemini 5Mark WingFriday, May 25, 2012, 9:39:54 AM

Justin Grant
· 1
Justin Grant