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LDAP Global Groups sync "issue" - Active users


Dear support,

we observe strange issue with synchronize global groups with AD LDAP.

For example we have security group with 15 users. Part of this users never logged workstation and working remotely. They using domain authentication for various services (fileserver, vpn, etc..).

If we map this LDAP security group to gemini global group, then this users (what never logged to domain workstation) not synchronized to correct groups, other users working correct. This users are fully active to domain and can use other services. This can be solved if they log on first time to any workstation in domain, after this synchronization start working.

This accounts are unlocked and with never expire password option. What you think about please?

Thank you for your help.

· 50
Replies (2)
not helpful

We do not import AD users with 0 log in count to avoid importing too many users. This is by design.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen
not helpful

Thanks for quick answer. I recommend add this to your docs.

· 50