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View effective permissions


Is there a way to view the effective permissions of a user?

The assignment of permissions works along a chain of entities:

User >=< (project) groups >=< permissions >=< Gemini actions (>=< is a many-to-many relationship)

From this, a list of effective permissions can be derived: User, Project, Gemini action. Being an administrator, is there a way to invoke such list in the interface?

If not, please consider this a feature request. I would like to have this list to check the effect of modifications in the authorization configuration an to investigate issues reported by users.

This list would show a list, with the columns mentioned above, where project could be 'All', I think; allow filtering of any of them and have a link for each row will lead me to a display of the origin of the effective permissions. I think of something like: is member of project group which has permision that contains action . One effective permission could of course have been assigned in multiple ways: multiple group memberships, multiple permissions on a group, etc.

I think this list should be found in the user detail page, project (group) page and permissions page, in each page with the appropriate filter set as a default.

· 1
Replies (1)
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You can see it when editing a user (Administration -> User and edit). Click on the permissions link at the bottom.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing