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Uploading large file attachment to comment using Gemini API



I am using gemini api and Im having a problem when it comes to large files. The api always timeout if Im uploading a large file. Below is the code that I used. Hope you can help me. Thanks.

m_smProxyManager = new CounterSoft.Gemini.WebServices.ServiceManager("url", "user", "password", "apikey", false);

var fileEn = new FileEN();

            fileEn.Encoded = true;

            fileEn.CommentID = 0;
            fileEn.ContentLength = int.Parse(contentlength);
            fileEn.ContentType = contenttype;
            fileEn.IssueID = int.Parse(newissueid);
            fileEn.ProjectID = int.Parse(newprojecid);
            fileEn.FileName = thefilename;
            fileEn.FileData = filecontent;
            fileEn.TimeStamp = StrToByteArray(tstamps);
            fileEn.DateCreated = DateTime.Parse(created);

m_smProxyManager.IssuesService.CreateAttachment(int.Parse(newissueid), fileEn);

Lance Garcia
· 1
Lance Garcia
Replies (3)
not helpful

You need to up the execution timeout in the web.config file.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Where does the web.config resides if we are using a hosted gemini application. Thanks.

Lance Garcia
· 1
Lance Garcia
not helpful

Send your hosted site details to support at countersoft dot com

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing