Gemini Community Support Site

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How do I assign users a 'role' in Gemini 4.2?


In the database, 'role' is a field at the user level. We'd like to be able to assign users roles such as 'Project Manager' or 'Business Analyst', but cannot figure out how to do so in Gemini. We don't want these roles attached to permissions or groups, but just want each person's role to show up in the DB that we use for external reporting.

Please advise as to how we access that 'role' field... Thanks.

· 1
Replies (1)
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The role field is not being used. User's role are taken from the geminiglobalgroupmembership and geminiprojectgroupmembership together with the relevant permission set (geminiglobalsecurityschemes and geminiglobalsecurityschemeroles) for the current project.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen