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All users can see the Component Field, but only some can change it. Why?


All users can see the Component Field, but only some can change it. This is for the same project. When some users double-click on the Component Field, the drop down menu appears. For others, when they double-click on the Component Field, the text is highlighted.

FYI: All users can change the Resolution Field (and other fields).

I looked at the Permissions for the Project. I did not see where I could set or deny permissions to change the Component Field.

Please help me. Thank you.

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Replies (1)
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This is due to the edit screen not allowing these users (group) to view the field in edit mode. Go to the Administration -> Type page and edit the type in question to see what screen it is using in edit mode. Now go to the Administration -> Screens (under items) to amend that screen.

Saar Cohen
· 5000
Saar Cohen