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GetFilteredIssues - multiple custom fields

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to do get all issues across all projects 
with 2 custom fields set at some specific value.
Here is my code. 
(btw I don't want to pass UserId and ProjectIds)

var projects = man.ProjectsService.GetProjects().ToList();
var projectIds = projects.Select(p => p.ProjectID.ToString()).Aggregate((m, n) => m + "|" + n);

var f = new IssuesFilterEN() {
    UserID = user.UserID,
    ProjectID = projectIds,
    CustomFields = new []{ 
                 new GenericEN { GenericKey ="SLA Active", GenericValue = "Activate"  },
                 new GenericEN { GenericKey ="SLA Status",  GenericValue = "Open"     }

var issuesWithActiveSLA = man.IssuesService.GetFilteredIssues(f).ToList();
if (issuesWithActiveSLA.Count > 0) {
    Console.Out.WriteLine("aha got issues with SLA attributes!");


Unhandled Exception: CounterSoft.Gemini.Commons.Rest.GeminiRestException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Input string was not in a correct format.
   at CounterSoft.Gemini.WebServices.BaseService.ThrowResponseException(WebResponse response) in ....\CounterSoft.Gemini.WebServices\BaseService.cs:line 189
   at CounterSoft.Gemini.WebServices.BaseService.ProcessResponse[T](String url, Object obj, RequestType requestType) in ....\CounterSoft.Gemini.WebServices\BaseService.cs:line 332
   at CounterSoft.Gemini.WebServices.BaseService.GetResponse[T](String url, Object o, RequestType r) in ....\CounterSoft.Gemini.WebServices\BaseService.cs:line 115
   at CounterSoft.Gemini.WebServices.IssuesService.GetFilteredIssues(IssuesFilterEN filter) in ....\CounterSoft.Gemini.WebServices\IssuesService.cs:line 99
   at ConsoleApplication1.Program.Main(String[] args) in ..\GeminiSLAEscalationMonitor\FirstGettingStarted\Program.cs:line 115

can anyone help please?
· 1
Replies (4)
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Can you please check the Gemini's system log for errors?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Input string was not in a correct format. 
 at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
 at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
 at CounterSoft.Gemini.DataProvider.xc0186e148e957052.x5ca7c882fdb86cb2(ICriteria& x055ea2922b1f58f0, IssuesFilterEN xb0f684c47236959a, List1 x858fc38c4382ab28, UserEN xfd92dbe2fa4bcb5a, String[] x812039d7b4c5fde8)
 at CounterSoft.Gemini.DataProvider.xc0186e148e957052.GetFilteredIssuesID(IssuesFilterEN ifeFilter, Int32[] closedStatus, UserEN user, List1 customFields)
 at CounterSoft.Gemini.Business.x95da312ae9372c2e.GetFilteredIssuesID(IssuesFilterEN ifeFilter, List`1 allCustomFields, UserEN user)
 at CounterSoft.Gemini.Business.x95da312ae9372c2e.x3ea65f25dee0cd51(IssuesFilterEN x24b748b5be295dcb, UserEN xfd92dbe2fa4bcb5a)
 at CounterSoft.Gemini.Presenter.IssuePresenter.GetFilteredIssues(IssuesFilterEN filter)
 at CounterSoft.Gemini.Web.Api.IssuesRestHandler.IssueFilter(RequestDetails rd)

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) at CounterSoft.Gemini.Web.Api.RestHandler.GetResponse(RequestDetails rd, MethodInfo method)

from gemini logs

· 1
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 var projects = man.ProjectsService.GetProjects().ToList();
var projectIds = projects.Select(p => p.ProjectID.ToString()).Aggregate((m, n) => m + "|" + n);

var f = new IssuesFilterEN() {
    UserID = user.UserID,
    ProjectID = projectIds,
    CustomFields = new []{ 
                 new GenericEN { GenericKey ="4", GenericValue = "Activate"  },
                 new GenericEN { GenericKey ="5",  GenericValue = "Open"     }

var issuesWithActiveSLA = man.IssuesService.GetFilteredIssues(f).ToList();
if (issuesWithActiveSLA.Count > 0) {
    Console.Out.WriteLine("aha got issues with SLA attributes!");

I had to put the ID of the Custom Fields instead of the Field Name.
That solved the exception. Would have been nicer if I could simply pass the Name of the field though. 

· 1
not helpful

Thanks for the update. Glad all is well now.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing