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Scrum items are ordered, not prioritized.


The prioritization of Stories is a core practice in the Scrum agile development process. In fact it is probably the single most important responsibility of the Product Owner – making sure the Product Backlog is prioritized properly to maximize business value.

Working with Gemini works fine for most of the SCRUM process. But I'm struggling in the prioritizing of issues. Currently we use 4 categories, derived from the classic MoSCoW priority schemes. But SCRUM doesn’t really prioritizes the issues in priority-categories, rather it puts them in a specific order.

With a product backlog in four categories, usually the top issues form a sprint of only must-haves. Prioritizing again in a sprint backlog creates simply to much overhead.

I was wondering if anybody has any tips on this issue.

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Replies (5)
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Most of our customers add a "story points" numeric custom field to do that (Admnistration -> Custom Fields).

··· Doesn't this create unnecessary overhead and administration? The custom fields are a great way out, but it isn't just quite what a real SCRUM-proces needs. Any plans for Gemini to help with this?P.BoonFriday, November 4, 2011, 8:12:01 AM

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
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Hi Mark. "Story Points" are actually estimates, not priorities. This feature really needs to be baked-in to work... sorting, reordering (adding/removing items) and a number of other core use cases for this feature simply don't work with custom fields.

Unfortunately this is a do-or-die feature for us. Like P Boon we've been struggling without it.

Will this feature be added in 5.0?


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Yes, story points have been added to Gemini 5. So you can plan using points etc...

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Hi Mark,

I appreciate your help, but story points are estimates, not priorities. Please see this linkhttp://agilefaq.wordpress.com/2007/11/13/what-is-a-story-point/ (or just Google it...)

What I'd like to know is if this "stack prioritization" pictured above will be supported in 5.0.


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Sorry, got you, yes it will as the new planner will have item sequencing baked in.

··· Outstanding! Eagerly awaiting 5.0!pbarranisFriday, May 4, 2012, 6:03:03 PM

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing