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Process of saving item


Is there a specific order of saving an item in the api? In particular, how do you handle the saving of custom fields? It appears that you must first use UpdateIssue, then save each individual custom field with SaveCustomFieldData for every modfied and new custom field. In a simplified form, I am doing this:

myStoredIssueEN = GetIssue [any one of the functions to get an issue)

myStoredIssueEN = UpdateIssue(myStoredIssueEN) <= This will wipe out any modified custom fields in myStoredIssueEN, so the custom fields must be saved elsewhere

for each CustomFieldDataEN in custom fields myStoredIssueEN = SaveCustomFieldData(custom field structure) <= This will wipe out any modifications to the IssueEN and any custom fields other thn the one being saved; hence the UpdateIssue first

I'm sure I'm not doing this in the most efficient way. If you're updating an item with custom field data (some being added, some new), what is the best way?


· 1
Replies (1)
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That's the best way when updating an issue. If you are creating one you can pass the custom fields but make sure you set the state of each to new.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing