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Creating Item from Test Run Does Not Link Item to Test Case


When reporting the result of a test case step I can write a description of what happened and mark the step as passed or failed. Additionally I can click the raise bug checkbox which allows displays a create item prompt as soon as I hit failed.

Once I create an item from this prompt, the newly created item, the test case, or the test plan which the test case was run from are not automatically linked to each other. In order to do this I have to do this manually.

Is there a way items created in this manner are automatically linked to the test case and test plan the item was spawned from?

Also it would be great if we could also link a new item to a specific test step as well.

Daryl D
· 1
Daryl D
Replies (1)
not helpful

Associating items with cases (plans) is for items you are testing not creating as bugs from runs. Those will be shown in the traceability report.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing