Gemini Community Support Site

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How do I view existing group permissions?


How do I view the set of permissions already assigned to a global (or project) group? I want to assign a set of permissions to to exactly 1 group with the permissions having its own name. If I navigate back to the permissions later, I want to see the permissions that were last assigned. The video (whose audio is drastically too quiet) is misleading, as showing a user's profile does NOT show the permissions in each group they are assigned to.

Thanks in advance, Frank Alviani

· 1
Replies (2)
not helpful

Never mind. Your approach to permissions was unclear but I figured out enough to do what I needed to and move on.

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not helpful

Glad to see that you have managed to work it out. Can you explain what is it you are trying to do?

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing