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SVN integration with Windows Authentication


we've set everything up to do svn integration. When we are in forms auth mode, everything works great, checkins, updates, etc. When I switch over to windows auth and attempt the same I get a 'method requires authentication' error.

Gemini is running on 1 server in the domain and SVN is on a 2nd server in the domain.

settings are:

        <setting name="GeminiUsername" serializeAs="String">
        <setting name="GeminiPassword" serializeAs="String">

Gemini is running Win 2008 IIS7. SVN is the same.

Joe Vivona
· 1
Joe Vivona
Replies (7)
not helpful

Did you set use windows authentication to true? Also, set the password to blank. Please make sure that you have disabled anonymous access in IIS for the Gemini site.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Mark - I have set the winauth parameter to true. I've tried with the password populated and blank, same result. Just reset everything again and all I get is this message:

Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code -532459699) with output: Unhandled Exception: CounterSoft.Gemini.Commons.Rest.GeminiRestException: Method requires authentication

I have confirmed I can log in via my browser to gemini as the correct user.

Joe Vivona
· 1
Joe Vivona
not helpful

Did you check if anonymous access is diabled in IIS for the Gemini site?

Also, the SVN service will need to run under a domain account that is allowed to "see" Gemini.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

I get the first part - it's set. But then 2nd part

we run VisualSVN here. And the SVN service is running as a domain account. this domain account DOES NOT have a corresponding account in Gemini, but the user in the add-on app.config DOES. are you saying I need to have the user the SVN server is running as also have an account inside of Gemini?

Joe Vivona
· 1
Joe Vivona
not helpful

Sorry, is anonymous access enabled or disabled (should be disabled)?

The service account needs to have an account in Gemini as well.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Mark - that's pure genius, didn't know I had to create a corresponding user for the SVN service inside of Gemini.

The final piece was I had to give the SVN service user security to add comments/links to the items inside of each project ( or is this becuase I am using this same user in the app.config?).

Joe Vivona
· 1
Joe Vivona
not helpful

It's because its the same user... Glad you made it work!

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing