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Is it possible to close an issue via SVN commit?



I've successfully integrated SVN hooks (countersoftgeminisourcecontrolv40_1.zip) to "VisualSVN Server" using "Tortoise SVN" as an SVN client. Everything is working fine, I'm able to link comments using "GEM:" keyword with Gemini issues.

But is it possible to automatically close an issue if I write something like: "Fixed GEM: NNNN"? Is there a way to do that? I used to use this approach in Redmine, wanted to achieve the same with Gemini... Should I modify the SVN hook plugin or the problem related to the Gemini API as well?


· 1
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Not at the moment. However, you should be able to change the SVN plugin code to do so quite easily.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing