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Gemini licence server restriction


My company has recently purchased a commercial Gemini licence. Previously we had been using the trial version (for 3 users) and now we have received a licence key for the full version. We would like to run the full version on a better, faster server and migrate the entire gemini environment with data from the old to the new server. Does the commercial licence have a restriction on the number of servers that can be installed and is there documentation on how to perform the migration? Ideally I would like to apply the licence key to the current old server to avoid having to wait for the new server to be available and then transfer the installation to the new server thereafter. Will I need a new licence key for that?

· 1
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You can use the license for the old and new server, that is not a problem. The lincese is limited to 1 production installation and 1 test / development environment, so you have no issue here.

To move all you have to do is backup and restore the database and re-install the web application.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing