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Can't save custom filters in ITEMS



When I'm in the ITEMS section, I go about creating a "custom filter". I'm adding a name for that filter and click on save. The newly saved filter is there, I can delete, edit it and re-save it as well without any problems. But If I go in another section or leave all together and then come back to the ITEMS section, my "custom filter" is gone and I have to do it all over again. I'm not getting any message error or nothing.

Gemini v4.0.0 (build 2995)


Marc-André Parizeau
· 1
Marc-André Parizeau
Replies (2)
not helpful
··· The filter is saveed under the items menu (top right)Mark WingFriday, May 6, 2011, 5:10:34 PM

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Good tip - i have also been struggling to work out how to access previously saved filters.

Andrew Hall
· 1
Andrew Hall