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Understanding repeat tasks


If I close repeat tasks, are they recreated as a new task once the repeat period is up?

If not, how do you logically mark the task as done or complete for that recurrance?

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Replies (3)
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Yes, the task will still repeat if the "mother" task is closed.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Thanks for the quick reply.

Is there any documentation/videos which go over how repeat tasks are handled as it doesn't seem very clear or obvious to me how they work?

For example, when does the task get created after a task is [closed/complete]?

I have a task that was at it's due date and configured to repeat every 4 weeks. I closed and completed this task, marked it at 100%. I expected when I closed and completed this task that a new task would be created with the due date set to my repeat schedule but I can't see it.

· 1
not helpful
··· Task will be repeated on created date. So if you set to repeat once a month, it will be from created date. Start and due date are not populated for the repeated tasks at the momentMark WingWednesday, April 20, 2011, 11:13:16 AM

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing