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Custom fields


I am having difficulty trying to add custom field data at the same time as creating an issue. I have seen the other couple of threads on this, and tried to use the same suggestions & code but to no avail

Attempt 1:
Trying to add the custom field data to the IssueEN data array for creation as part of data.IssueID = msmProxyManager.IssuesService.CreateIssue(data).IssueID;

// Custom field info
CustomFieldDataEN[] Cfield1 = new CustomFieldDataEN[2];
Cfield1[0] = new CustomFieldDataEN();
Cfield1[0].CustomFieldID = 2; // Make sure this is a vaild custom field id.
Cfield1[0].CustomFieldData = vHeatCallID;
data.IssueCustomFieldData = Cfield1;

Attempt 2:
Trying to add the custom field data separately from the issue creation. This attempt returns the following error "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation"

// Custom field info
CustomFieldDataEN Cfield0 = new CustomFieldDataEN();
Cfield0 = new CustomFieldDataEN();
Cfield0.CustomFieldID = 2; // Make sure this is a vaild custom field id.
Cfield0.CustomFieldData = vHeatCallID;
Cfield0.IssueID = data.IssueID;

CustomFieldDataEN cData = new CustomFieldDataEN();

Any help appreciated. The extension ashx has all verbs checked and am not using windows authentication.

· 1
Replies (3)
not helpful

Attempt 1 will not work at the moment. It will in 3.6.

Attempt 2, please set the UserID on the custom field data.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Thanks for that - still got the error so tried adding other fields - found that you also need to add ProjectID. Here is the working code for anyone else who stumbles across this.

(Thanks for the response Mark!)

CustomFieldDataEN Cfield0 = new CustomFieldDataEN();
Cfield0 = new CustomFieldDataEN();
Cfield0.CustomFieldID = 2; // Make sure this is a valid custom field id.
Cfield0.CustomFieldData = "Field data";
Cfield0.IssueID = data.IssueID;
Cfield0.UserID = 2;
Cfield0.ProjectID = 3;
CustomFieldDataEN cData = new CustomFieldDataEN();

· 1
not helpful

Thank you for the update. Glad all is working now.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing