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IssuesService.GetFilteredissues parameters


Gemini Version: v3.6.0 Beta 2 Build 2526

When passing a collection of GenericEN objects to Issues.Service.GetFilteredissues, is there a way to specific the operator?


If I add these to GenericEN objects to the collection:

GenericEN1 = "Something1"

GenericEN2 = "Something2"

When the collection gets executing by GetFilteredIssues there are ANDed together......  (Get Issues WHERE GenericEN1 AND GenericEN2)

Is there a way of ORing the conditions?  I want to find all issues WHERE GenericEN1 OR GenericEN2.

I hope this makes sense.  If not, please let me know and I'll clarify the post.



· 1
Replies (3)
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The filter will only do an AND. You will have to execute it twice (or more) to do an OR.
ie. execute it once with the first condition (something 1) and again with the second (something 2).
Note that GenericEN is used for custom fields only.

FYI - 3.6 is out now.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing
not helpful

Mark, thanks.  Yes I am searching against custom fields.  Is there any plans to include the option to OR the conditions so we don't have to execute the call n number of times?

BTW...Thanks for the info on 3.6

· 1
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Yes, we are looking to improve the filtering but not until 4.0, no ETA yet.

Mark Wing
· 9108
Mark Wing